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Speaker & Topic

Presentations Plenary Videos

IIMHL / IIDL Network Meeting Program of Events


Welcome to the Network Meeting - Co MCs

Disability: Inspirational Keynote – Voice of Lived Experience from the IIDL Emerging Leaders Network  – Presenter: Emily Ladau

Mental Health: Inspirational Keynote - Voice of Lived Experience and Trauma Informed Care – Presenter: William Kellibrew

Poem by Tunchai Redvers

Emily Ladau



Plenary #1: Disruptive Innovation and Accountability: What can we learn from a Global Perspective? 

Presenter: Dévora Kestel, Director of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, World Health Organization




Plenary #2 International Leadership Panel on how each country and organization is Leading the Way Forward on access,   accountability and action

- Chair: Kwame McKenzie, CEO Wellesley Institute, Toronto

- Robyn Shearer, Deputy Director General, Mental Health and Addiction, Government of New Zealand

- Poppy Jaman, CEO, City Mental Health Alliance

- Brenda Restoule, CEO, First Peoples Wellness Circle

- Anita Everett, Director, Centre for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration           (SAMHSA), US Department of Health and Human Services

Wong People Lion Dance




Plenary #3Spotlight on Longstanding IIMHL Collaboratives

- Chair: Ron Manderscheid, Executive Director, National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors

- Indigenous Mental Wellness: Carole Koha

- Children and Youth: Bronwyn Dunnachie

- I-CIRCLE (Cities and Urban Regions):  Dana Careless

- Suicide Prevention:  Richard McKeon

- Military Issues: Kate McGraw

- Crisis Services and Systems: David Covington


Plenary #4 - Youth Panel: Youth Perspectives on the Future

- Chair: Johanna Bergan, Executive Director, Youth MOVE National

- Manisha Morar, Youth Consumer Advisor, Werry Workforce Whāraurau

- Tunchai Redvers, Co-Founder and Director, We Matter- Faith Abio, Disability Support Worker and Member, South Australia Mental Health Commission Youth Community Advisory Committee

- Taisha Abbott, Post Graduate Student, University of Auckland

Melvin Deal, African Heritage Dancers and Drummers


Plenary #5 - Closing Visionary and Inspirational TedTalk – Building Healthy Communities for Impact at Scale

Presenter:  Tyler Norris, Chief Executive, Well Being Trust

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Moving Forward:

-  Poem – Tunchai Redvers

-  Soka Tribe: Caribbean Vibe

-  Closing remarks:

- Bob Glover, Chair of the IIMHL/IIDL Board

- Fran Silvestri, CEO of IIMHL/IIDL

- Closing in Protocol with Indigenous Color Guard and Drum Group



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